Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: April 2019
Generated 01-May-2019 02:40 CEST

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for April 2019
Total Hits 78612
Total Files 77966
Total Pages 75689
Total Visits 2823
Total KBytes 967743
Total Unique Sites 1048
Total Unique URLs 223
Total Unique Referrers 307
Total Unique User Agents 444
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 109 1762
Hits per Day 2620 5276
Files per Day 2598 5267
Pages per Day 2522 5214
Visits per Day 94 211
KBytes per Day 32258 59014
Hits by Response Code
Undefined response code 1
Code 200 - OK 77966
Code 206 - Partial Content 42
Code 304 - Not Modified 153
Code 404 - Not Found 450

Daily usage for April 2019

Daily Statistics for April 2019
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 437 0.56% 417 0.53% 356 0.47% 76 2.69% 51 4.87% 14107 1.46%
2 308 0.39% 279 0.36% 237 0.31% 88 3.12% 52 4.96% 9245 0.96%
3 2004 2.55% 1982 2.54% 1896 2.50% 87 3.08% 52 4.96% 8576 0.89%
4 909 1.16% 860 1.10% 835 1.10% 211 7.47% 177 16.89% 13448 1.39%
5 403 0.51% 396 0.51% 186 0.25% 128 4.53% 80 7.63% 7239 0.75%
6 636 0.81% 613 0.79% 556 0.73% 90 3.19% 60 5.73% 6491 0.67%
7 746 0.95% 730 0.94% 663 0.88% 115 4.07% 72 6.87% 8739 0.90%
8 311 0.40% 304 0.39% 182 0.24% 94 3.33% 71 6.77% 7607 0.79%
9 297 0.38% 217 0.28% 136 0.18% 92 3.26% 69 6.58% 5124 0.53%
10 243 0.31% 196 0.25% 126 0.17% 85 3.01% 58 5.53% 3554 0.37%
11 298 0.38% 253 0.32% 154 0.20% 85 3.01% 62 5.92% 4514 0.47%
12 687 0.87% 637 0.82% 553 0.73% 84 2.98% 59 5.63% 5407 0.56%
13 692 0.88% 680 0.87% 551 0.73% 97 3.44% 80 7.63% 11520 1.19%
14 4227 5.38% 4214 5.40% 4169 5.51% 101 3.58% 76 7.25% 47070 4.86%
15 4253 5.41% 4211 5.40% 4142 5.47% 89 3.15% 67 6.39% 46496 4.80%
16 4314 5.49% 4298 5.51% 4205 5.56% 107 3.79% 85 8.11% 49895 5.16%
17 4769 6.07% 4761 6.11% 4696 6.20% 131 4.64% 91 8.68% 48021 4.96%
18 4116 5.24% 4106 5.27% 4049 5.35% 73 2.59% 62 5.92% 52056 5.38%
19 4487 5.71% 4475 5.74% 4430 5.85% 78 2.76% 62 5.92% 55753 5.76%
20 4276 5.44% 4259 5.46% 4247 5.61% 41 1.45% 33 3.15% 52737 5.45%
21 4394 5.59% 4379 5.62% 4315 5.70% 91 3.22% 59 5.63% 54509 5.63%
22 4788 6.09% 4754 6.10% 4684 6.19% 90 3.19% 66 6.30% 53518 5.53%
23 4481 5.70% 4455 5.71% 4396 5.81% 103 3.65% 82 7.82% 54892 5.67%
24 4471 5.69% 4466 5.73% 4388 5.80% 79 2.80% 56 5.34% 56290 5.82%
25 4391 5.59% 4380 5.62% 4317 5.70% 66 2.34% 50 4.77% 53487 5.53%
26 4469 5.68% 4466 5.73% 4408 5.82% 71 2.52% 48 4.58% 55330 5.72%
27 5276 6.71% 5267 6.76% 5214 6.89% 98 3.47% 87 8.30% 56045 5.79%
28 4603 5.86% 4593 5.89% 4448 5.88% 116 4.11% 95 9.06% 59014 6.10%
29 2780 3.54% 2775 3.56% 2665 3.52% 112 3.97% 73 6.97% 41461 4.28%
30 546 0.69% 543 0.70% 485 0.64% 83 2.94% 49 4.68% 25600 2.65%

Hourly usage for April 2019

Hourly Statistics for April 2019
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 160 4823 6.14% 160 4814 6.17% 159 4773 6.31% 1508 45235 4.67%
1 96 2891 3.68% 95 2861 3.67% 94 2841 3.75% 1241 37230 3.85%
2 132 3969 5.05% 131 3941 5.05% 128 3865 5.11% 1376 41267 4.26%
3 102 3062 3.90% 101 3034 3.89% 99 2981 3.94% 1329 39878 4.12%
4 115 3472 4.42% 114 3426 4.39% 112 3375 4.46% 1327 39815 4.11%
5 101 3035 3.86% 101 3033 3.89% 98 2966 3.92% 1334 40014 4.13%
6 103 3111 3.96% 102 3078 3.95% 100 3012 3.98% 1350 40507 4.19%
7 102 3064 3.90% 101 3033 3.89% 98 2955 3.90% 1346 40373 4.17%
8 104 3136 3.99% 104 3125 4.01% 99 2981 3.94% 1408 42235 4.36%
9 96 2907 3.70% 96 2885 3.70% 93 2800 3.70% 1267 38000 3.93%
10 97 2925 3.72% 97 2917 3.74% 93 2809 3.71% 1265 37961 3.92%
11 99 2987 3.80% 99 2970 3.81% 94 2835 3.75% 1329 39857 4.12%
12 100 3029 3.85% 99 2988 3.83% 95 2870 3.79% 1314 39433 4.07%
13 97 2926 3.72% 95 2877 3.69% 92 2781 3.67% 1282 38453 3.97%
14 100 3007 3.83% 98 2944 3.78% 93 2812 3.72% 1273 38193 3.95%
15 108 3261 4.15% 108 3252 4.17% 104 3140 4.15% 1226 36767 3.80%
16 99 2990 3.80% 98 2945 3.78% 94 2841 3.75% 1330 39915 4.12%
17 144 4323 5.50% 143 4313 5.53% 138 4159 5.49% 1440 43198 4.46%
18 98 2942 3.74% 96 2908 3.73% 93 2790 3.69% 1240 37211 3.85%
19 124 3728 4.74% 123 3700 4.75% 119 3589 4.74% 1660 49799 5.15%
20 110 3327 4.23% 109 3279 4.21% 105 3165 4.18% 1335 40043 4.14%
21 116 3492 4.44% 115 3478 4.46% 111 3352 4.43% 1301 39023 4.03%
22 103 3091 3.93% 102 3076 3.95% 99 2972 3.93% 1413 42398 4.38%
23 103 3114 3.96% 102 3089 3.96% 100 3025 4.00% 1365 40937 4.23%

Top 30 of 223 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 61691 78.48% 532398 55.01% /
2 6081 7.74% 13329 1.38% /administrator/
3 3857 4.91% 170380 17.61% /webstat/usage_201802.html
4 712 0.91% 7057 0.73% /plesk-stat/webstat/
5 687 0.87% 377 0.04% /robots.txt
6 550 0.70% 55145 5.70% /plesk-stat/webstat/usage_201804.html
7 423 0.54% 49902 5.16% /webstat/usage_201904.html
8 243 0.31% 2472 0.26% /css/template_css.css
9 239 0.30% 631 0.07% /css/mod_jflanguageselection.css
10 192 0.24% 101 0.01% /xmlrpc.php
11 179 0.23% 9990 1.03% /webstat/usage_201704.html
12 161 0.20% 224 0.02% /images/favicon.ico
13 161 0.20% 975 0.10% /katharinaandpeter_en.htm
14 141 0.18% 986 0.10% /katharinaandpeter_ger.htm
15 140 0.18% 16935 1.75% /plesk-stat/webstat/usage_201704.html
16 139 0.18% 1102 0.11% /index_en.htm
17 130 0.17% 15895 1.64% /webstat/usage_201901.html
18 130 0.17% 68 0.01% /wp-login.php
19 123 0.16% 4649 0.48% /sicherheit_ger.htm
20 118 0.15% 6232 0.64% /berichte_ger.htm
21 118 0.15% 4276 0.44% /sicherheit_en.htm
22 93 0.12% 11293 1.17% /plesk-stat/webstat/usage_201901.html
23 89 0.11% 5605 0.58% /berichte_en.htm
24 46 0.06% 5398 0.56% /plesk-stat/webstat/usage_201904.html
25 45 0.06% 24 0.00% /favicon.ico
26 35 0.04% 4276 0.44% /plesk-stat/webstat/usage_201903.html
27 33 0.04% 4038 0.42% /plesk-stat/webstat/usage_201810.html
28 27 0.03% 3305 0.34% /plesk-stat/webstat/usage_201807.html
29 23 0.03% 2815 0.29% /plesk-stat/webstat/usage_201808.html
30 19 0.02% 2265 0.23% /plesk-stat/webstat/usage_201805.html

Top 10 of 223 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 61691 78.48% 532398 55.01% /
2 3857 4.91% 170380 17.61% /webstat/usage_201802.html
3 550 0.70% 55145 5.70% /plesk-stat/webstat/usage_201804.html
4 423 0.54% 49902 5.16% /webstat/usage_201904.html
5 140 0.18% 16935 1.75% /plesk-stat/webstat/usage_201704.html
6 130 0.17% 15895 1.64% /webstat/usage_201901.html
7 6081 7.74% 13329 1.38% /administrator/
8 93 0.12% 11293 1.17% /plesk-stat/webstat/usage_201901.html
9 179 0.23% 9990 1.03% /webstat/usage_201704.html
10 712 0.91% 7057 0.73% /plesk-stat/webstat/

Top 10 of 139 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 61691 78.48% 1082 39.03% /
2 6081 7.74% 233 8.41% /administrator/
3 140 0.18% 134 4.83% /plesk-stat/webstat/usage_201704.html
4 712 0.91% 128 4.62% /plesk-stat/webstat/
5 161 0.20% 111 4.00% /katharinaandpeter_en.htm
6 192 0.24% 93 3.35% /xmlrpc.php
7 139 0.18% 91 3.28% /index_en.htm
8 130 0.17% 87 3.14% /webstat/usage_201901.html
9 93 0.12% 83 2.99% /plesk-stat/webstat/usage_201901.html
10 118 0.15% 69 2.49% /sicherheit_en.htm

Top 10 of 141 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 61691 78.48% 1011 36.62% /
2 6081 7.74% 215 7.79% /administrator/
3 140 0.18% 134 4.85% /plesk-stat/webstat/usage_201704.html
4 712 0.91% 127 4.60% /plesk-stat/webstat/
5 161 0.20% 122 4.42% /katharinaandpeter_en.htm
6 192 0.24% 92 3.33% /xmlrpc.php
7 141 0.18% 91 3.30% /katharinaandpeter_ger.htm
8 130 0.17% 85 3.08% /webstat/usage_201901.html
9 139 0.18% 80 2.90% /index_en.htm
10 123 0.16% 77 2.79% /sicherheit_ger.htm

Top 30 of 1048 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 59813 76.09% 59813 76.72% 517406 53.47% 2 0.07%
2 4799 6.10% 4797 6.15% 283178 29.26% 82 2.90%
3 1756 2.23% 1756 2.25% 3973 0.41% 1 0.04%
4 852 1.08% 852 1.09% 1928 0.20% 1 0.04%
5 671 0.85% 671 0.86% 1518 0.16% 1 0.04%
6 556 0.71% 556 0.71% 1258 0.13% 1 0.04%
7 496 0.63% 496 0.64% 1122 0.12% 1 0.04%
8 420 0.53% 420 0.54% 950 0.10% 1 0.04%
9 400 0.51% 400 0.51% 905 0.09% 1 0.04%
10 304 0.39% 304 0.39% 688 0.07% 1 0.04%
11 250 0.32% 250 0.32% 321 0.03% 124 4.39%
12 177 0.23% 177 0.23% 9990 1.03% 2 0.07%
13 174 0.22% 174 0.22% 394 0.04% 1 0.04%
14 155 0.20% 155 0.20% 7609 0.79% 32 1.13%
15 153 0.19% 153 0.20% 4934 0.51% 9 0.32%
16 141 0.18% 27 0.03% 533 0.06% 9 0.32%
17 141 0.18% 130 0.17% 1152 0.12% 84 2.98%
18 135 0.17% 135 0.17% 1168 0.12% 29 1.03%
19 132 0.17% 132 0.17% 1142 0.12% 36 1.28%
20 129 0.16% 129 0.17% 1116 0.12% 35 1.24%
21 129 0.16% 126 0.16% 1355 0.14% 60 2.13%
22 126 0.16% 126 0.16% 1090 0.11% 40 1.42%
23 111 0.14% 111 0.14% 1249 0.13% 97 3.44%
24 105 0.13% 100 0.13% 1421 0.15% 61 2.16%
25 104 0.13% 103 0.13% 1497 0.15% 50 1.77%
26 102 0.13% 97 0.12% 1734 0.18% 43 1.52%
27 92 0.12% 88 0.11% 1274 0.13% 55 1.95%
28 90 0.11% 90 0.12% 779 0.08% 90 3.19%
29 85 0.11% 56 0.07% 146 0.02% 19 0.67%
30 85 0.11% 80 0.10% 2874 0.30% 45 1.59%

Top 10 of 1048 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 59813 76.09% 59813 76.72% 517406 53.47% 2 0.07%
2 4799 6.10% 4797 6.15% 283178 29.26% 82 2.90%
3 177 0.23% 177 0.23% 9990 1.03% 2 0.07%
4 155 0.20% 155 0.20% 7609 0.79% 32 1.13%
5 153 0.19% 153 0.20% 4934 0.51% 9 0.32%
6 1756 2.23% 1756 2.25% 3973 0.41% 1 0.04%
7 69 0.09% 65 0.08% 3542 0.37% 43 1.52%
8 36 0.05% 36 0.05% 3331 0.34% 33 1.17%
9 85 0.11% 80 0.10% 2874 0.30% 45 1.59%
10 38 0.05% 38 0.05% 2496 0.26% 6 0.21%

Top 30 of 307 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 9336 11.88% - (Direct Request)
2 3540 4.50%
3 2000 2.54%
4 2000 2.54%
5 2000 2.54%
6 2000 2.54%
7 2000 2.54%
8 2000 2.54%
9 2000 2.54%
10 2000 2.54%
11 2000 2.54%
12 2000 2.54%
13 2000 2.54%
14 2000 2.54%
15 2000 2.54%
16 2000 2.54%
17 2000 2.54%
18 2000 2.54%
19 2000 2.54%
20 2000 2.54%
21 2000 2.54%
22 2000 2.54%
23 2000 2.54%
24 2000 2.54%
25 2000 2.54%
26 2000 2.54%
27 2000 2.54%
28 1999 2.54%
29 1999 2.54%
30 1999 2.54%

Top 1 of 1 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 1 100.00% bus überfall peru

Top 15 of 444 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 60620 77.11% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)
2 2230 2.84% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36
3 1471 1.87% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (
4 847 1.08% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (
5 793 1.01% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like
6 427 0.54% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTM
7 354 0.45% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML
8 228 0.29% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MJ12bot/v1.4.8;
9 227 0.29% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; SeznamBot/3.2; +http://napoveda.sezn
10 227 0.29% Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 12_2 like Mac OS X) AppleW
11 207 0.26% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: G
12 183 0.23% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; AhrefsBot/6.1; +
13 174 0.22% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; Win64; x64; rv:63.0) Gecko/20100
14 158 0.20% Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 7_0 like Mac OS X) AppleWe
15 150 0.19% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; bingbot/2.0; +

Usage by Country for April 2019

Top 30 of 37 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 72867 92.69% 72550 93.05% 890511 92.02% Unresolved/Unknown
2 2685 3.42% 2607 3.34% 37213 3.85% US Commercial
3 1414 1.80% 1236 1.59% 19560 2.02% Network
4 450 0.57% 445 0.57% 5959 0.62% Germany
5 417 0.53% 415 0.53% 810 0.08% Turkey
6 359 0.46% 359 0.46% 4492 0.46% Austria
7 130 0.17% 130 0.17% 1712 0.18% Poland
8 48 0.06% 48 0.06% 3201 0.33% Russian Federation
9 31 0.04% 26 0.03% 544 0.06% Brazil
10 31 0.04% 31 0.04% 450 0.05% Switzerland
11 29 0.04% 29 0.04% 375 0.04% Sweden
12 28 0.04% 12 0.02% 146 0.02% Ireland
13 15 0.02% 15 0.02% 247 0.03% Australia
14 13 0.02% 13 0.02% 267 0.03% Netherlands
15 11 0.01% 11 0.01% 143 0.01% Belgium
16 11 0.01% 11 0.01% 64 0.01% British Indian Ocean Territory
17 11 0.01% 11 0.01% 112 0.01% Japan
18 11 0.01% 9 0.01% 154 0.02% United Kingdom
19 7 0.01% 7 0.01% 501 0.05% Viet Nam
20 6 0.01% 6 0.01% 61 0.01% Italy
21 5 0.01% 5 0.01% 126 0.01% Ukraine
22 4 0.01% 3 0.00% 131 0.01% China
23 4 0.01% 4 0.01% 125 0.01% Colombia
24 3 0.00% 3 0.00% 11 0.00% Old style Arpanet (arpa)
25 3 0.00% 3 0.00% 188 0.02% India
26 3 0.00% 3 0.00% 3 0.00% New Zealand (Aotearoa)
27 3 0.00% 3 0.00% 3 0.00% South Africa
28 2 0.00% 2 0.00% 9 0.00% Bulgaria
29 2 0.00% 2 0.00% 1 0.00% Mexico
30 2 0.00% 2 0.00% 123 0.01% Portugal

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01